Weekday Minyan
Shacharit times:
- Sunday - 8:30 AM
- Friday - 6:55 AM
- Rosh Chodesh/Chol Hamo’ed (if a weekday) - 6:40 AM
Minchah/Maariv Minyan will also only happen on the days listed above, plus Shabbat and Yom Tov.
Minyan times for Friday and Shabbat/Yom Tov will always be listed in our Weekly Bulletin.
If you do not currently receive our Bulletin and would like to, please email the Office, office@kadimahtorasmoshe.org, with the message "add me", from the email account you would like added.
For Sunday or Rosh Chodesh/Chol Hamo'ed Minyan times, please email the Rabbi, rabbi@ktmshul.org.
Mon, October 7 2024
5 Tishrei 5785
Shana Tova!
All times listed to the left. :)
Useful Links
Zoom Link for Classes taught by Rabbi Strauss
Misheberach List (please update as appropriate)
Link to check the status of the Eruv and to contribute to the Boston Eruv
To reach the Shul office, please email office@kadimahtorasmoshe.org
Alot Hashachar | 5:26am |
Earliest Tallit | 5:58am |
Netz (Sunrise) | 6:49am |
Latest Shema | 9:40am |
Zman Tefillah | 10:38am |
Chatzot (Midday) | 12:32pm |
Mincha Gedola | 1:00pm |
Mincha Ketana | 3:52pm |
Plag HaMincha | 5:03pm |
Shkiah (Sunset) | 6:16pm |
Tzeit Hakochavim | 6:56pm |
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