Mikvah in Brighton
Daughters of Israel Mikvah
The Daughters of Israel Mikvah is New England's largest and newest mikvah, open every day of the year – by appointment only – except on Yom Kippur and Tisha B'Av. Our mikvah promotes the Family Purity Laws (Taharat HaMishpacha) for married Jewish women of all levels of observance. The rav hamachshir of the mikvah is the Bostoner Rebbe (Rabbi Naftali Horowitz), shlita. The Executive Director is Yael Aldrich.
We have both bor al gabei bor (Chabad) and bor hashoko mikvaot.
The mikvah has bath and shower preparation rooms with all needed preparation items. Shower appointments are scheduled for 30 minutes and bath appointments for one hour.
Bedikah cloths ($5) are available in the mailbox labeled 103 in front of the mikvah, as well as in the mikvah during evening hours.
We also have a Hoyer Lift available for patrons who need physical assistance to immerse. A four-day advance notice needed for this service.
Bridal appointments welcome! (please contact us on Mikvah RSVP or WhatsApp +16177829433).
**** Please register and make your appointment at www.mikvahRSVP.com/bostonmikvah
by the early afternoon on the day of the immersion. ***
Appointments outside normal evening hours or other questions? Please WhatsApp the mikvah at +16177829433, email admin@bostonmikvah.org, or text Yael at 317-445-6056.
Mikvah for Tevilat Keilim
The Daughters of Israel Mikvah is available for dish immersion Sundays through Thursdays 8 am – 4 pm and Fridays and Erev Yom Tovim 8 am – 12 noon. No appointment is needed.
Daughters of Israel Mikvah Location
Located at 103 Washington Street, in Brighton, MA 02135, the mikvah is set back from Washington Street, located BEHIND Congregation Kadimah-Toras Moshe; as you face the synagogue the path to the mikvah is on the right. Go down the path to the entrance.
Note: Parking is currently limited to public street parking. Please allow extra time to find parking, use a taxi or car service, or have someone drop you off for your appointment.
If you need more information or help, please WhatsApp the mikvah at +16177829433 or text Yael at 317-445-6056.
Sun, February 16 2025
18 Shevat 5785
Shabbat Times
Friday, February 14
Candle Lighting:
4:58 PM
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat:
5:00 PM
Shabbat Parshat Yitro - Shevat 17
8:45 AM
Torah Reading:
Stone: p. 394
Hertz: p. 288
6:1-7:6, 9:5-6 ישעיה
Stone: p. 1154
Hertz: p. 302
Kiddush follows services. If you'd like to sponsor a kiddush, please contact the office, office@kadimahtorasmoshe.org
4:50 PM
Seudah Shlishiit Speaker:
Binyamin Goldenhersh
5:54 PM
5:59 PM
Useful Links
Zoom Link for Classes taught by Rabbi Strauss
Misheberach List (please update as appropriate)
Link to check the status of the Eruv and to contribute to the Boston Eruv
Contact the Office
To reach the Shul office, please email office@kadimahtorasmoshe.org
Alot Hashachar | 5:16am |
Earliest Tallit | 5:48am |
Netz (Sunrise) | 6:40am |
Latest Shema | 9:19am |
Zman Tefillah | 10:13am |
Chatzot (Midday) | 11:59am |
Mincha Gedola | 12:26pm |
Mincha Ketana | 3:05pm |
Plag HaMincha | 4:12pm |
Shkiah (Sunset) | 5:19pm |
Tzeit Hakochavim | 6:00pm |
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