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Foundations of Halacha



Table of Contents


Series 1 - Staying Pareve

  • 1.1 - Staying Parve Part I - Transfer of Taste
  • 1.2 - Staying Parve Part II  - Cooking Parve
  • 1.3 Cooking Parve Part II
  • 1.5 Waiting After Parve


Series 2 - On and Around the Shabbos Stove

  • 2.1 - On and Around the Shabbos Stove - The Underlying Melachos
  • 2.2 - Kli Rishon and Sheini
  • 2.3 - Leaving Food Before Shabbos
  • 2.4 - Transferring Food on Shabbos
  • 2.5 - Shabbos in the Modern Kitchen - Page 1
  • 2.6 - Application to Modern Appliances - Page 1
  • 2.6 - Application to Modern Appliances - Page 2


Series 3 - All Mixed Up - The Shabbos Salad

  • 3.1 - The Prohibition of Borer
  • 3.2 - Practical Applications of Borer
  • 3.3 - The Prohibition of Tochein
  • 3.4 - Practical Applications of Tochein - Modern-Day Responsa
  • 3.4 - Practical Applications of Tochein - The Halachic Process
  • 3.5 - The Prohibition of Losh - Mixing
  • 3.6 - Practical Applications of Losh


Series 4 - Kashering

  • 4.1 - The Sources for Kashering


Series 5 - Does Anyone Have the Halachic Time?

  • 5.1 - Setting up the Halachic Day - Alos Hashachar​
  • 5.2 - Sunrise Times
  • 5.3 - Tzeis Hakochavim according to Rabbeinu Tam and the Geonim
  • 5.4 - The Morning Mitzvos
  • 5.5 - The Evening Mitzvos
  • 5.6 - Plag Hamincha according to the Gra and the Magen Avraham


Series 6 - The Shabbos Yard

  • 6.1 - The Shabbos Yard - Grass and Trees
  • 6.2 - Flowers, Rocks and Earth
  • 6.3 - The Shabbos Yard - Play Ball!
  • 6.4 - Play Ball! Part 2
  • 6.6 - Don't Forget the Lotion!


Series 7 - When Health is an Issue

  • 7.1 - Balancing Halacha and Health
  • 7.2 - To Eat or not to Eat - Part I
  • 7.3 -To Eat or not to Eat - Part 2 - The Amounts
  • 7.4 - Hilchot Shabbat - How Sick is Sick?
  • 7.5 - Hilchot Shabbat - Preventive Medicine
  • 7.6 - Kashrut of Medicines
  • 7.7 - Pregnant and Nursing Women; Summary of Series


Series 8 - Old Seforim Never Die - Proper Disposal of Shaimot

  • 8.1 The Sanctity of Religious Articles
  • 8.2 - Shul Articles
  • 8.3 - Shul Furniture and Holy Books
  • 8.4 - Disposing of Chanukah Lights
  • 8.5 - Torah Scrolls and Other Holy Books
  • 8.6 - Modern Day Responsa - Printed Sefarim


Series 9 - "I Get Around" - The Halachot of Going from Place to Place

  • 9.1 - Kiddush - The Concept of Makom Seudah
  • 9.2 - The Requirement of Having a Seudah
  • 9.3 - Brachot - Going from Place to Place
  • 9.4 - Brachot - Halachic Ramifications
  • 9.5 - Where Do I Light the Shabbat Candles?
  • 9.6 - Eating out Friday Night
  • 9.7 - Electric Lights as Shabbat Candles
  • 9.8 - Tefilah while Traveling
  • 9.9 Traveling between Time Zones


Series 10 - "Libi Bamizrach" - What Every Diaspora Jew Should Know about Hilchot Eretz Yisrael

  • 10.1 - The Special Halachot of Israeli Produce
  • 10.2  - Terumah and Maaser Nowadays
  • 10.3 - When do the Obligations Take Effect?
  • 10.4 - Produce Subject to Terumot and Maasrot.
  • 10.5 - Terumot and Maasrot - The Requisite Amounts
  • 10.6 - The Process of Taking Off Terumot and Maasrot
  • 10.7 - Shemita - What's it to Us?
  • 10.8 - On the Market - Selling Shemita Fruit
  • 10.9 - On the Market - Selling Through Beit Din
  • 10.10 - Calculating the Shemita Cycle
  • 10.11 - Shemita and Yovel Nowadays
  • 10.12 - The Other Side of Shemita - The Need for a Pruzbul
  • 10.13 - The Pruzbul - How it Works


Series 11 - What About Yom Tov?

  • 11.1 - Which Melachot are Permitted?
  • 11.2 - The Permitted Melachot and their Exceptions
  • 11.3 - To Build a Fire
  • 11.4 - Muktzah on Yom Tov
  • 11.5 - Planning Ahead - Preparing for after Yom Tov
  • 11.6 - Eruv Tavshilin - How it Works
  • 11.7 - Sorting it Out - Borer on Yom Tov
  • 11.8 - The Two Day Yom Tov - In Israel and Abroad
  • 11.9 - The Two Day Yom Tov - Modern-day Responsa
  • 11.10 - The Two Day Yom Tov - Modern-day Responsa - Part 2


Series 12 - Let Them Eat Cake - The Definition of Bread and Its Halachic Ramifications

  • 12.1 - The Grains that Make Bread
  • 12.2 - Pas Habaah B'kisnin - The Non-Bread
  • 12.3 - Pas Haba'ah B'kisnin - How Much is Too Much (Additive)?
  • 12.4 - The Halachic Definition of Bread - Practical Applications.
  • 12.5 - Pretzels and Matzah - Modern-Day Responsa
  • 12.6 - The Mitzvah of Challah
  • 12.7 - The Mitzvah of Challah - What is Considered Bread? - Source Sheet; MP3
  • 12.8- The Mitzvah of Challah - What about Cake?
  • 12.9- The Definition of Bread - What Qualifies as Matzah?
  • 12.10 - Egg Matzah and Summary of Series


Series 13 - To Give and How to Give - The Obligation of Tzedakah

  • 13.1 - The Obligation of Tzedakah
  • 13.2 - The Guideline of Maaser
  • 3.4 - Which Charities Have Priority?
  • 13.5 - Is It Tzedakah if I Have to Give It Anyway


Series 14 - Foundations of Faith - Maimonides' Introduction to the Talmud

  • 14.1 - The Transmission from Sinai
  • 14.2  -The Power of the Prophets
  • 14.3 - The Transmission of Halacha to the Generations
  • 14.4 - Categories of Halachot in the Talmud
  • 14.6 - Secondary Sources of Halacha Brought in the Talmud
  • 14.7 - Purpose of Aggadah in the Talmud
  • 14.8 - Post-Talmudic Works


Series 15 - "Playing Around" - The Halachot of Toys and Games on Shabbat

  • 15.1 - Toys that Make Noise - Source Sheet; MP3 Recording
  • 15.2 - Construction Toys - Source Sheet; MP3 Recording
  • 15.3 - Toys and Games Involving Writing - Source Sheet; MP3 Recording
  • 15.4 - Playing Ball on Shabbat - Source Sheet MP3; Recording


Series 16 - Bundle Up! - Understanding the Laws of Shatnez

  • 16.1 - The Definition of "Wearing" - Source Sheet; MP3 Recording
  • 16.2 - What Constitutes Shatnez? - Source Sheet
  • 16.3 - When it is a Mitzvah to Wear Shatnez? - Source Sheet; MP3 Recording
  • 16.4 - Practical Do's and Dont's of Shatnez - with Guest Rabbi Zvi Solomon of the Boston Shatnez Lab


Series 17 - "Fire and Water" - Understanding the Laws of Kashering and Toveling

  • 17.1 - Kashering and Toveling - The Biblical Commandment - Source Sheet; MP3 Recording
  • 17.2 - To Dip or Not To Dip Source Sheet - With Supplemental Sources; MP3 Recording
  • 17.3 - "In Hot Water" - The Principles of Haagalah - Source Sheet; MP3 Recording
  • 17.4 - All Fired Up - Understanding Libun - Source Sheet
  • 17.5 - Making a Splash - Using Iruy - Source Sheet
  • 17.6 - What to Kasher and How to Kasher It - Source Sheet; MP3 Recording


Series 18 - "Sacred Sentries" - The Mitzvah of Mezuzah

  • 18.1 - Who is Obligated in Mezuzah? - Source Sheet; MP3 Recording
  • 18.2 - Do You Call that Living? - Which Houses Require a Mezuzah? - Source Sheet; MP3 Recording
  • 18.4 - Doors, Halls and Walls - Source Sheet; MP3 Recording
  • 18.5 - The Dimensions of Doorways - Source Sheet; MP3 Recording
  • 18.6 - Staying on the Right Side [of the Door] - Source Sheet
  • 18.7 - Hitting the Right Spot for a Mezuzah - Source Sheet
  • 18.8 - Moving In - The Definition of Residency - Source Sheet


Series 19 - Home Alone - The Laws of Yichud

  • 19.1 - The Source of the Prohibition of Yichud - Source Sheet; MP3 Recording
  • 19.2 - Behind Closed Doors - Defining a Situation of Yichud -  Source Sheet; MP3 Recording 
  • 19.3 - Three's Company - The Exceptions to Yichud - Source Sheet; MP3 Recording
  • 19.4 - Chaperones, Young and Old - Source Sheet; MP3 Recording
  • Yichud Flowchart


Series 20 - "Saying the Sheim" - The Sanctity of Hashem's Name

  • 20.1 - Which Names are Considered Holy? - Source Sheet; MP3 Recording
  • 20.2 - What is Considered "In Vain"? - Source Sheet; MP3 Recording
  • 20.3 - Treating the Name with Holiness - Source Sheet; MP3 Recording


Series 21 - Count your Blessings - Some Unique Brachot

  • 21.1 - Shehechiyanu on New Items - Source Sheet; MP3 Recording
  • 21.2 - Birkat Hagomel - Source Sheet; MP3 Recording
  • 21.3 - Flash of Inspiration - Brachot on Natural Events - Source Sheet; MP3 Recording
  • 21.4 - Tefilat Haderech - Source Sheet; MP3 Recording


Series 22 - "Some Assembly Required" - Construction on Shabbat

  • 22.1 - Construction on Shabbat - The Underlying Principles - Source Sheet
  • 22.2 - Home Repair on Shabbat - Source Sheet
  • 22.3 - Repair of Utensils - Source Sheet
  • 22.4 - Tents and Awnings - Source Sheet


Series 23 - Weekly Readings - Laws of Kriat haTorah

  • 23.1 - Making Up for Missed Readings - Source Sheet; MP3 Recording
  • 23.2 - The Order and Priority of Aliyot - Source Sheet; MP3 Recording
  • 23.3 - Errors in the Kriah and in the Sefer Torah - Source Sheet; MP3 Recording
  • 23.4 - Maftir and the Haftarah - Source Sheet; MP3 Recording


Series 24 - Practical Applications of Muktzah

  • 24.1 - Dealing with Snow and Ice - Source Sheet; MP3 Recording
  • 24.2 - Modern Equipment - Source Sheet; MP3 Recording - Part 1, Part 2



Series 25 - "One who exerts effort on Erev Shabbat shall eat on Shabbat."

  • 25.1 - Leaving Hot Food on Erev Shabbat - The Talmudic Sources - Source Sheet
  • 25.2 - Leaving Hot Food on Erev Shabbat - The Halacha Source Sheet


Series 26 - The Halachot and Minhagim of the Shavuot Meals

  • 26.1 - The Halachot and Minhagim of the Shavuot Meals


Series 27 - Laws of Birkat Hamazon

  • 27.1 - Even Though You Washed...
  • 27.2 - It Aint Over... - Interruptions in the Meal - Talmudic Sources
  • 27.3 - It Aint Over... - Interruptions in the Meal - Halacha
  • 27.4 - It's All in Your Mind - Mentally Ending the Meal


Series 29 - Divine Wine - The Laws of Kiddush

  • 29.1 - Who is Obligated in Kiddush and When - Source Sheet; MP3 Part 1; Part 2
  • 29.2 - Which Beverages are Suitable for Kiddush - Source Sheet; MP3 Part 1; Part 2
  • 29.3 - Did I Drink Enough? - Source Sheet
  • 29.4 - Kiddush in Shul - Source Sheet; MP3
  • 29.5 - The Kos for Havdala - Source Sheet; MP3
  • 29.6 – The Four Cups at the Seder - Source Sheet; MP3


Series 30 - Bein Kodesh L'Chol - Preparing for after Shabbat or Yom Tov

  • 30.1 - Planning for After Shabbat - Talmudic Sources - Source Sheet
  • 30.2 - Verbal Preparations for after Shabbat - Source Sheet; MP3 Part 1, Part 2
  • 30.3 - Physical Preparations for after Shabbat - Source Sheet
  • 30.4 - Washing Dishes - Source Sheet
  • 30.5 - Preordering for Shabbat - Source Sheet
  • 30.6 - Written Records of Transactions on Shabbat - Source Sheet


Series 31 - Have Me in Mind - Being "Motzi" Others in Mitzvot

  • 31.1 - The Chazan's Repetition - Source Sheet
  • 31.2 - Making Brachot for Others - Source Sheet; MP3
  • 31.3 - The Difference in Types of Brachot - Source Sheet
  • 31.4 - Shofar and Megillah - Source Sheet; MP3
  • 31.5 - Transactions Involving Chametz - Source Sheet; MP3
  • 31.6 - Chametz of a Non-Jew - Source Sheet


Series 32 - Matters of Interest - Practical Applications of Ribbis

  • 32.1 - The Prohibitions of Ribbis - Source Sheet; mp3
  • 32.2 - Ribbis Involving Corporations - Source Sheet
  • 32.3 - Credit Cards - Source Sheet; MP3 Part 1, Part 2
  • 32.4 - Discounts - Source Sheet; MP3
  • 32.5 - Non-Monetary Transactions - Source Sheet; MP3 




Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784